Duty Stations:
5th Tanks, Camp Pendleton; 1st tanks Vietnam kilo Co. 3rd Btn 1st.
Area of Service:
I served in Northern I Corps in Vietnam. Dong Ha on the Cua Viet River was on our west, the South China Sea on our East. My Battalion Landing Team was responsible for securing the North Bank of the Cua Viet River. We operated about 11 miles south of the DMZ. My tank was destroyed by a planted 500 lb. bomb, so for the next 2 months I became a rifleman with Kilo Co. 3rd. Blt. 1st. Marines until we rotated South of DaNang and I once again became a tank crewman. I became tank commander just before rotation back to Camp Pendleton, California.
Prior To Service:
I joined the Marines to get away from an abusive family life. I was gung ho to see some combat so, I joined the Marines. Initially, when I stood on the yellow footprints at MCRD San Diego, I thought I had made a huge mistake but, over time I came to love my beloved Marine Corps. Semper Fidelis.
Why Did You Choose your Branch of Service:
See Above
After Your Service:
Went to the U of A on the GI Bill, became a Tucson Police Officer. Left the TPD to work for Trico Electric Coop in the Engineering Dept. Left Trico to work for Tucson Electric Power in the Land Dept. Retired from TEP after 33 years. I retired as the Director of Land a Environmental Svcs.
Why did You Join CVMA:
I joined the CVMA in 2019. I wanted to be in the company of veterans, ride motorcycles for events and travel to help less fortunate veterans.
I am a student of the classical guitar, shoot high power rifles competitively, and I love to ride motorcycle cross country and locally.
Other VSO's:
I am a member of the VFW and American legion, I don't belong to any post. I pay annual dues to support both organizations. While not an organization, I participate with the Patriot Guard by escorting funeral processions and supporting veterans families during the funerals.
Special Skills:
Nope. I learn how to do things by watching Youtube videos.