Duty Stations:
USS Franklin D Roosevelt CVA-42; USS Independence CVA-62; USS R.K. Turner DLG-20, TONKIN GULF SAR MISSION
Area of Service:
Myself and eight others, including pilots from (HC-2) Helicopter Combat Rescue Squadron 2, were dispatched TDY aboard the USS RK Turner DLG-20. We operated totally in the Gulf of Tonkin, directly off the coast of Vietnam. We were tasked to fly Search and Rescue (SAR) missions into Vietnam to recover downed pilots that were shot down while on bombing missions in North Vietnam.
Why did you join the military:
I was a juvenile delinquent trying to find my way in life and not doing too well at it. It was suggested to me by my loved ones and certain members of the local constabulary that it would be in my best interests if I became a member of the armed forces. I agreed and joined the Navy.
Why Did You Choose your Branch of Service:
I wanted to join the Marines. I was going in on the “buddy plan”. My buddy and I were in the USMC recruiters office and had all but finalized the paperwork when my buddy got cold feet. So we went down the hall to have a cup of coffee and think it over. We passed the NAVY recruiters office on the way and decided to talk with them. It just so happened that my pal and I were born on the same day. It turned out the recruiter was born on the same day. My pal and I were 17 and the Chief was 34 that very day. I don’t believe in coincidences so I took it as a sign and joined the Navy.
After Your Service:
I went into sales as a general career.
Why did You Join CVMA:
Joined CVMA July 2010
Motorcycles, street rods and golf.
Other VSO's:
Special Skills:
None that I can think of. I was a pretty good salesman.